A cracked, shattered, or loose pane of glass in one of your home's windows may seem like little more than a nuisance. Before you simply board it up or forget about it, though, be aware that there are many reasons why you should have it properly repaired or replaced instead.

1. Security

A broken window is a security breach in your home. Depending on the location of the broken pane, it could make it easy for intruders to reach in and unlock a window or door for easy entry. Even securing a sheet of wood over the break won't improve security, since the wood is likely easy to remove with the screwdriver. Breaks in shed or garage windows can be especially tempting to thieves since outbuildings that can be quickly accessed are often easy pickings.

2. Energy Efficiency

Your windows will be a lot less energy efficient if broken. This applies to major breaks, where there is actually missing glass, as well as to breaks that are in the frame and not quite visible. If the seal or glazing around the glass is broken, an air leak will occur, even if the glass itself is fine. This means your heated or cooled air is escaping while the outside air is coming in, driving up your heating and cooling bills.

3. Safety

Don't overlook safety when it comes to a broken window. Sharp shards of glass that remain in the frame can easily cause severe cuts. Even loose glass can shatter and cause injury if it comes out when operating the window or door. Another issue is that things can come in through the break. For example, wasps and bees may fly through a broken window. The stings are painful, or even dangerous if someone is allergic.

4. Interior Damage Prevention

A major problem with broken or loose glass is water incursion. Moisture seeping through a broken window can damage the neighboring wallboard, thus requiring replacement drywall. For larger breaks or missing panes, rain can blow in and ruin drapery, rugs, or even furniture.

5. Frame Protection

Water can seep through even the smallest of cracks, collecting on the window frame or dripping onto the sill. With wood frames and sills, moisture damage such as peeling paint or rotting wood is a major problem. Even metal frames may suffer rust or corrosion damage from constant moisture exposure.

A window glass repair service can help if you need to repair a window in your home.
