Water is one of those things that we use for everything, but that we don't tend to think much about. With certain types of drinking water systems, you can get cleaner and softer water almost effortlessly. Depending on what your biggest concern is will determine which system is best for you. 

Water Filter

Having clean drinking water is something that all Americans can have, but there can still be some minerals and sediment in the water that make it taste funny. When you have drinking water systems, like a water filter installed in your house, you know that every time you go to get a glass of water that it's going to be clean. Depending on how much money you want to spend and the ultimate goal you are going for, you may want to just add a water filtration system to your refrigerator. You can connect one to your water spout in your kitchen, or you can get a large one that you put near your water heater. 

Typically, water filters work by using carbon to filter the water through it and leave you with filtered water. As the carbon wears down you will have to replace your filter to ensure that it does its job properly. 

Water Softener

If you have hard water then you know just how drying it can be for just about anything that it touches. For instance, hard water is notorious for drying your skin out and causing it to become chapped. Additionally, hard water has a lot of calcium in it which means that it can build up around all of your plumbing fixtures like your faucets. When too much calcium hardens around your water spouts, it can make it harder for the water to come out which can lead to plumbing problems. 

One of the best things that you can do to combat your hard water is to get a water softener. Water softeners are systems that you connect to your pipe and typically place by your water heater. By using some salt and unique filtration system, it will run the hard water through it which can help get rid of all of the calcium inside of your water. The result? Less damage to your plumbing and your skin. 

When you have a water filter and a water softener installed inside of your house, you will instantly see and taste the benefits, which may leave you wondering why you didn't do it sooner. To learn more about these and other drinking water systems, reach out to a company near you, like Oxley Softwater Co or other businesses.
