If you have fire extinguishers in your business, making sure those extinguishers are working and ready when you need them is crucial. Working with a fire extinguisher distributor is one way to ensure that the units on your job location are always up to par and ready if it is needed.

Fire Extinguisher Placement

The NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) 101 Life Safety Code dictates where in your building you should place fire extinguishers, how many you need for your building size, and the type of extinguishers you should have. While this is a guideline, not a law, most municipalities base there code on it, so using it as a guideline is a good start. 

When you work with a fire extinguisher distributor, they will use these guidelines to make recommendations about what you need and where it should be in the building. Let them help you choose the right extinguishers and get your building set up to deal with a fire emergency.

Regular Inspection and Rotation

Working with a fire extinguisher distributor that provides regular inspection of the extinguishers you have on-site is a great benefit. They will come and check the extinguishers for you, replace any that are not holding pressure or are due for testing, and replace any extinguishers that have been used since the company was there last. 

You can schedule regular inspections of the property with the distributor or let them come as they feel they need to. If they provide the original extinguishers, they will have a record of the dates on the units and know when they are due for testing. The tech will take anything that needs testing and replace them, at least temporarily, with units that are within date so that you are not left without protection while your extinguishers are out for inspection and testing.

Training Your Employees

Once you have the right fire extinguishers in your building, you need to train your employees so they can use the extinguishers in an emergency. Check with your local fire department and see if they can have a training class for your workers. Most departments will do it for you, and many do not charge anything for the course.

A training course that lets the employees use the extinguisher is essential. They need to know what it feels like to use the extinguisher and how heavy it will be. The feeling can be different than they imagine, and it is essential they are ready for it when the time comes to use the extinguisher. 

Speak with the staff at a local fire extinguisher distributor like Fire Foe Corp to learn more.
