Homeowners who have grown tired of dealing with hard water stains on surfaces and clogged shower heads often decide to explore the possibility of installing a home water softening system. For some, the necessity of adding salt to the water may be disturbing, due to concerns about how it might affect health conditions, as well as the added expense of purchasing the special salt.

If you are one of the many homeowners who would love the convenience and benefits of having soft water but would like to avoid the salt, a salt-free water filtration system may be a great option for you to consider. 

No salt needed

The first, and quite possibly the best, reason to opt for a salt-free system is simply the fact that no added salt will ever need to be purchased or added. Instead, a salt-free system alters the makeup of the minerals, predominantly calcium and magnesium, to prevent them from adhering to surfaces like tile, glass, and plumbing pipes.

It is important to note that the water is not actually being softened, instead it is simply undergoing a conditioning process that does away with many of the problems commonly associated with hard water. 

Water and electricity usage is reduced

Salt-based water softening systems automatically engage in a periodic cleaning process to wash away the mineral residue that accumulates on the residue bed during the ion exchange process.

During this necessary cleaning cycle, water is used to purge and flush the system. If the homeowner is purchasing metered water, as most households do in heavily populated areas, this cleaning process can cause an increase in the water bill. Since a saltwater system's cleaning process uses electricity to perform its functions, homeowners can also reduce electrical usage by opting for a salt-free system. 

Lower initial cost

Homeowners who have not previously used a water softening system may have legitimate concerns about the initial costs of the systems. In most areas of the country where hard water is a problem, salt-free systems offer both an initial savings on the purchase and installation costs, as well as less expenses during ongoing usage. 

To learn more about the benefits of a salt-free water softening system, homeowners can consult a reputable salt-free water conditioning service contractor in their area. These professionals can answer questions and help homeowners select an affordable water softening system that will help them eliminate their hard water concerns and make their home more comfortable. 
